Lamb's Liver

7:00 am on 21 May 1913

Lamb s LiverA very good recipe for cooking lamb's liver is as follows: Cut the liver into small pieces about the size of dice. Peel a few raw potatoes and cut them up in the same manner. Put a little butter or dripping into a pan and add the squares of liver. Now, in another pan, place a quantity of lard equal to the amount of butter used and add the potatoes. Cook the contents of both pans for about five minutes, and, having combined the ingredients, add about a gill of broth or hot water. Then allow the whole to simmer for twenty-five minutes, adding more water or broth if necessary. When the potatoes are tender the meat will be done. Season to taste, and, after it has been poured into a dish, garnish the top with chives cut into small pieces.

Source: Papers Past, from Cookery: Rodney and Otamatea Times, Waitemata and Kaipara Gazette , 21 May 1913, Page 2

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