25 Jul 2002

NZ group seeks politicians' support for Papuans

4:49 pm on 25 July 2002

Prospective politicians in New Zealand are being asked to back calls for a review of the United Nations Act of Free Choice which gave Indonesia control of Papua in 1969.

The Act was based on the unanimous vote of just over a thousand Papuans selected by Jakarta, and acknowledged Indonesian sovereignty over the former Dutch colony.

The Indonesian Human Rights Committee in New Zealand is approaching candidates in the election and asking them to pledge, if elected, to push for a UN review of the controversial Act.

Spokesperson Maire Leadbeater says the review is a key demand of Papuan leaders amid fears of renewed violence in the province.

She says most politicians in New Zealand like to bask in the warm glow of East Timor's liberation but it is now time to support the call by Papuans for self determination.

"if you look at West Papua's claim to self-determination there are differences in the situation between East Timor and West Papua but the similarities are striking and if you look at the fact that they were denied their right to self-determination in the post-colonial era just as East Timor was I think their right is as strong if not stronger than the East Timorese right."

Maire Leadbeater.