26 Apr 2010

Assault case highlights Marshallese-Chinese tension

11:00 am on 26 April 2010

An attempted murder case in Majuro is expected to highlight growing tensions between Marshall Islanders and Chinese residents.

The case is due to go to trial later in the year after an initial court hearing.

The Acting Attorney General, Jack Jorbon, filed attempted murder, aggravated assault, assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, conspiracy, attempted assault and battery with a dangerous weapon and assault and battery charges against Huang Peishu and Liang Shoujie.

But Chief Public Defender, Russell Kun, said his client, Huang, was bashed by a group of Marshall Islanders, sustaining significantly worse injury than the out-of-uniform policeman presented as the victim by the national government.

Following the Marshall Islands government's sale of more than 2,000 passports in the mid-1990s, several hundred Marshall Islands passport-carrying Chinese moved to Majuro and started businesses.