14 Sep 2010

Fiji Consumer Council says more energy saving tips needed

12:46 pm on 14 September 2010

The Consumer Council says the Fiji Electricity Authority must take responsibility in teaching people how to conserve electricity more effectively.

The Commerce Commission is conducting an inquiry into the finances and operations of the FEA and is considering its submission to increase tariffs.

The Chief Executive Officer of the Consumer Council Premila Kumar says an increase in tariff rates adds unnecessary pressure on consumers.

She says the FEA should be providing more energy conservation tips.

"One way of doing that would be obviously making energy saving lights more affordable. And at the same time not putting a higher duty on appliances that are not energy efficient. Because what we have seen in Fiji are very poor quality appliances entering and these appliances are not energy-efficient."

Premila Kumar says the FEA must work with its consumers to change their behaviour towards power use.