6 Apr 2012

Head of science at USP suggests topic be promoted at primary and secondary schools

11:05 am on 6 April 2012

The head of science at the University of the South Pacific says it may attract more students to the topic if they are motivated from a primary or secondary level.

The USP is hoping to boost science enrolments by building new laboratories and assigning more teachers in the major regional campuses in response to a lack of science students in the region.

The Director of Applied Science at the USP Professor William Aalbersberg says over the years he has noticed a shortage of science undergraduates from Vanuatu and says the subject could be better promoted when students are younger.

"So it's influence at home and influence in the school that really motivates people in what they're interested to study. So there are some things that really I would say need to be done at the family and the secondary school level if you're talking about motivation."

Professor William Aalbersberg says a lack of science graduates in Vanuatu could lead to greater dependence on outside influences to fill the void.