4 Jul 2017

Solomons could face legal action over Temotu mining licenses

From , 5:05 am on 4 July 2017

A Solomon Islands conservation group says it's planning legal action against the government over mining plans in the remote Temotu province.

An Australian company, Pacific Bauxite, has secured a licence to prospect Santa Cruz island, and it claims at has the consent of several landowner groups.

But the Temotu Conservation and Sustainable Development Association says those groups didn't realise the implications of what might happen, and many are now trying to withdraw their consent.

The association's chair, Father Charles Melinga, says the provincial and national governments have said nothing about their concerns.

He told Jamie Tahana the groups are seeking legal advice, as they believe the law was not followed when the licence was granted.

Bauxite at a factory in Guinea.

Photo: AFP