18 Feb 2017

Introducing: Abigail Knudson

From Introducing, 6:00 pm on 18 February 2017
Abigail Knudson

Abigail Knudson Photo: Tony Stamp


Name of project: Abigail Knudson
Real name: Abigail Rachel Knudson-Hollebon
Age (of project): 2 years
Hometown: Dunedin
Associated acts: Michael Morris from Smokey Room Records
Formative musical experience: Choral singing from childhood & cello, musical parents.
Musical Guilty Pleasure: Secretly a Selena Gomez fan :)

Music details

Artist: Abigail Knudson
Song: Missy
Composer: Abigail Knudson
Album: Nicotine
Label: Abigail Knudson

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