09:05 Babyboomers' retirement and old age expectations

Sharon Buckland conducted research called The New Zealand Babyboomer Dreams Study. It looks at the intentions and aspirations of NZ babyboomers; and Ian Pool, Professor of Demography at University of Waikato.

09:30 Wealthy are keenest on home insulation subsidy - could the scheme run out of money to the detriment of lower-income families?

Peter Neilson, chief executive officer Business Council for Sustainable Development; and Helen Gatonyi, from the Tenancy Protection Association.

09:45 US correspondent Jack Hitt

10:05 Jason Barrell

Former rugby player and policeman who survived a neck injury and brain tumour. Now a successful motivational speaker, Jason Barrell has just released his first book Try, Try Again.

10:30 Book Review with Emma Hart

The Lieutenant by Kate Grenville
Published by Text Publishing

10:45 Reading: My Lord Above - a short story by David Lyndon Brown

Mr Krishna, a one eyed Shakespeare quoting shopkeeper, befriends a young man who has fallen in love with the crane driver he's seen from his balcony.

11:05 Business and economic commentator Rod Oram

11:30 Should there be an NZ Film Month?

Ant Timpson film industry cheerleader who runs events like the 48 Hour Film-making competition, the Incredibly Strange film fest etc. His company Headstrong provides support for new filmmakers; and Steve Newall, NZ Music Industry Commission - runs NZ Music Month.




Email: ant@woosh.co.nz

11:45 Media commentator Denis Welch discusses the latest media issues