09:05 Reaction to the announcement of the international inquiry into the Israeli attack on a Gaza bound aid flotilla, which is to be headed by former Prime Minister Geoffrey Palmer.

Edward Peck, former US diplomat who was on board one of the flotilla boats. Mr Peck was the deputy director of the White House task force on terrorism in the Reagan administration and chief of mission in Iraq and Mauritania.

09:20 Feltex five cleared of breaching financial reporting rules

Tim Saunders, former chairman of Feltex; and Peter Thomas, former Feltex Chief Executive.

09:20 Eight years on from the Property Relationship Act

Nicola Peart, Professor of Law, Otago University

09:45 USA correspondent Jack Hitt

10:05 Aric Sigman - psycholgist and author who urges parents to set more boundaries and use more discipline on their children.

Aric Sigman, psychologist, writer, researcher and father of four believes parents today are far too indulgent of their children, and have to regain control.

Author of The Spoilt Generation and Remotely Controlled: How Television is Damaging our Lives

10:30 Book Review with Emma Hart

Faithful Place by Tana French
Published by Hodder & Stoughton

10:45 Reading.

Malcolm and Juliet by Bernard Beckett

16-year-old Malcolm is determined to win first prize at the National Secondary School's Science Fair. He's decided to film a documentary on sex. (Part 2 of 15)

11:05 Business and Economic commentator Rod Oram discusses the Telecom split

11:30 Stuart McNaughton - Improving student achievement in lower decile schools

Stuart McNaughton - Professor of Education at the University of Auckland and director of the Woolf Fisher Research Centre has developed a successful model to raise literary levels in schools, particularly decile one schools and among Maori and Pacific students.

11:45 Media commentator Denis Welch discusses the 6.00pm news ratings war