9:08 Feature interview - Colm McNulty

9:32 Place In The Sun - Pitt Island

With Bernie Mallinson

9:45 Our Correspondent

UK with Andrew Potter.

10:08 Feature guest - Poet Darren Kamali

10:25 On Song with Simon Sweetman - Slice of Heaven

Simon Sweetman tells the stories behind classic Kiwi pop anthems.

10:36 Hidden Passions

Beekeeper Kevin Wallace.

10:46 True Stories Told Live - David Veart

Real New Zealanders telling real stories.

11:07 Tales From The Back Country - Coast Characters

A daily serial featuring colourful characters from our rural past.

11:14 Stephen King Bookclub - Lilly Richards

An array of reviewers take on a Stephen King classic every day.

11:28 Gap Filler

Barnaby Bennett and Ryan Reynolds.

11:42 Watching Television with Irene Gardiner