13 Aug 2012

Queensland starts wahine toa squad

1:45 pm on 13 August 2012

Young Maori rugby league players in Queensland are sharpening up for their trials to be selected for the state's Maori Rugby League tournament in October.

The Nga Hau e Wha competition brings together league players from four rohe in the Australian state: Te Hauraki, Te Hau a Uru, Te Rawhiti and South Coast.

The coaching director for the Queensland Maori Rugby League, Hamiora Wanoa, says the competition has grown over the past five years and will now include a young women's squad.

He says they are trying to mirror the Aotearoa National Maori Tournament, and this year they will be sending a premier side to New Zealand.

Mr Wanoa says the hope is to have a Wahine Toa squad representing Queensland to travel with the top side in the Aotearoa tournament.

He says it has given great impetus for young Maori women to play league and acknowledges their interest in being included in the competition.

The Nga Hau e Wha tournament is being hosted by Te Hau a Uru in west Brisbane on 6 October.