29 Sep 2009

Yap hit by intense weather system

10:11 pm on 29 September 2009

The first of three potentially dangerous weather systems is coming ashore in the state of Yap in the west of the Federated States of Micronesia.

The governor has placed residents and government employees on the highest state of storm alert.

Ben Lowings reports from Yap.

"From where I'm standing on the east coast of Yap I can see nothing but wide and intense bands of rain coming ashore. Coconut trees are bending over almost backwards as tropical storm Palma moves towards the main island of Yap with winds of up to 45 knots. The storm has been intensifying and is expected to intensify further. The storm is now being felt on the main island and it's expected to get stronger in the evening local time. Residents have been buying food supplies and storing supplies in shelters. The governor of the state of Yap has ordered government employees to take all precautions to safeguard life and property."