24 Feb 2010

Survey in Solomon Islands shows drop in support for RAMSI

11:38 am on 24 February 2010

The 2009 People's Survey carried out by the Australian National University in Solomon Islands has shown another drop in the support for the Regional Assistance Mission's work in the country.

The survey carried out annually across the country was officially released in Honiara yesterday.

The survey showed that 88 percent of those who took part still supported RAMSI.

It also found that 32 percent thought the law and order situation in the country had improved compared to last year.

Eighty five percent of those surveyed also wanted more female representation in parliament.

And 74 percent of people also said financially they were unable to save as they were spending more on food than 2 years ago.

The survey distributed over five thousand questionaires in 7 provinces including the capital Honiara and focused on 40 different groups.