1:10 Best Song Ever Written

Arthur Yeo from Ashhurst has chosen I Believe in Love by The Dixie Chicks.

1:15 NZ Music - Live

Bernie Griffen and the Grifters.

2:10 NZ Society - Sphagnum moss
At Kumara Junction on the West Coast, Sage Forest meets local character Paul Fahey, still harvesting sphagnum moss from his property.

2:20 BBC Witness - Muhammed Ali
In 1967, the world heavyweight champion, Muhammed Ali, refused to be indicted into the American military. His decision to follow his conscience and not serve in Vietnam galvanised radicals across the US. In today's BBC 'Witness' programme, Simon Watts speaks to Dr Nathan Hare about a visit by Muhammad Ali to Howard University at the height of the outcry over his refusal of the draft.

2:30 Reading - Garibaldi, part one
Paul Horan travels to Italy to try to discover the truth about his illustrious and somewhat eccentric ancestor Colonel Peard who was known as Garibaldi's Englishman.

2:45 Feature album - Mezzanine by Massive Attack

The third, and most commercially successful, studio album from the English trip hop group Massive Attack, released in 1998.    

3:08 One Stop Shop

Fresh Fast Food, Weekend Wine, and Movie Reviews.

Julie Biuso's recipe for chicken breasts with mushrooms and Marsala can be found here.

3:40 Event story - Taniwha Festival

4:06 The Panel - Linda Clark and Sally Wenley