7:06 Sonic Tonic

8 pm News and Weather

8:06 Musical Chairs:The Secret Life of Lyricists

What makes a great song lyric? Is it the same process as writing a poem? Does it need to rhyme? Does it need to mean anything at all? Julie Hill asks musicians and music lovers about some of their favourite wordsmiths in song.

8:35 Pet Day: New Zealand Wildlife

The work of The New Zealand Wildlife Health Centre and what to do if you find injured wildlife with Australian veterinarian Brett Gartrell.

Pet Day - Wildlife - Morepork.
Ruru (morepork).

8:50 Conundrum

The answer and the winner's chosen song.

9 pm News and Weather

9:06 Country Life

Rural news and features.

10 pm News and Weather

10:17 Late Edition

A review of the leading news from Morning Report, Nine to Noon, Afternoons and Checkpoint. Also hear the latest news from around the Pacific on Radio New Zealand International's Dateline Pacific.

11 pm News and Weather

11:06 Brian Wilson and the California Sound

William Dart explores the world of American song writer Brian Wilson (Pt 4 of 6, RNZ)