The Patea Maori Club is celebrated alongside Dalvanius and the song in Poi E

The Patea Maori Club is celebrated alongside Dalvanius and the song in Poi E Photo:

7:12 John Thornley - Songs of the Spirit

Methodist lay-preacher John Thornley with the sixth part of his series exploring the spiritual side of songs. Tonight he looks at "Poi E" and 'Ngoi Ngoi', by the Patea Maori Club.

7:30  At The Movies

Simon Morris reviews two movies, both starring Amy Adams, that are being tipped for Oscar nominations - Nocturnal Animals, a romantic, noir-ish tale of betrayal and revenge, and Arrival, a twist on First Contact with extra-terrestrials. Plus, Dan Slevin talks to David McKenzie, director of the acclaimed Hell And High Water.

8:12 Nights' Overseas - Brazil

Editor of the International section of Estado de Minas, the main daily newspaper of Minas Gerais, Pablo Pires Fernandes reports from the Federative Republic of Brazil.

8:30 My Heels are Killing Me

What are vegan shoes really made of and are they good for the environment?

9:07 The Drama Hour

We begin with the first of a four part serial of Book Ends by Roger Hall, plus "The Assassin Bug" by Sue McCauley, told by Catherine Wilkin.

10:17 Late Edition

A round up of today's RNZ News and feature interviews as well as Date Line Pacific from RNZ International,

11:07 Inside Out

Nick Tipping hosts a journey through the jazz spectrum playing favourites, standards and new releases along the way. Tonight we push the envelope a little, taking in Tierney Sutton singing Sting, John Scofield playing Dolly Parton, and The Bad Plus playing Crowded House. Plus, we take a trip to Cuba with the Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra.