09:05 Plea to NZ expats to repay student loans to help pay for Christchurch rebuild

Sir Paul Callaghan, The New Zealander of the Year is appealing for the more than 85,000 New Zealanders living abroad to repay their student loans to boost the Government's coffers to help with the cost of the recovery from the Christchurch quake; and Dr Rod Carr, Canterbury University Vice Chancellor, and former deputy Reserve Bank governor

HEKE (Heroic Educated Kiwi Expatriates) project website


09:25 Problems with 'Auckland Unleashed'

David Wilson, AUT Public Policy Institute director.

09:45 US correspondent Jack Hitt

10:05 Barbara Fredrickson - Positive psychology

Leading social psychologist on the science of happiness and the value of cultivating positive emotions. She discovered that experiencing positive emotions in a 3-to-1 ratio with negative ones leads people to a tipping point beyond which they naturally become more resilient to adversity and effortlessly achieve more.

Barbara Fredrickson is a leading scholar within social psychology, affective science, and positive psychology, and has received more than 10 consecutive years of research funding from the National Institute of Mental Health in the US. Her research and teaching have been recognised with numerous honours. She's based at the University of North Carolina.

10:30 Book Review with Phil Smith

Pulse by Julian Barnes
Published by Jonathan Cape

10:45 Reading: The Other Side Of Silence by Margaret Mahy (Part 7 of 12)

The adventure of a girl who decides to stop speaking.

11:05 Business commentator Rod Oram discusses "Auckland Unleashed".

11:20 Probiotics - Professor Gregor Reid

Gregor Reid, professor of microbiology and immunology at the University of Western Ontario, and director of the Canadian Research and Development Centre for Probiotics.

11:45 Media commentator Denis Welch

Has the coverage of the Darren Hughes's situation has been a trial by media?