Navigation for Summer Report

07:00 News

07:25 Newspapers from the main centres

07:45 Summer food and drink

Simon Peacock, chef to the Governor-General, cooks up his favourite summer meal: Mouclade - Green Shell Mussels in a Fennel and Curry Cream.

07:55 The history of New Zealand place names

Peter Dowling on naming the provinces.

08:00 News

0825 Outspoken

Should we encourage more people to work on past retirement age? We’re debating this on Outspoken tonight.

08:36 Summer Senses

David Slack on things to do on your summer holiday.

08:41  Summer Feature

Lois Williams joins a team trying to find a sanctuary for the dotterel.

08:55 Ever Young

Caitlin talks to Jean Slobbe in the first of our series on older workers.