18 Jun 2014

The Panel with Steve McCabe and Tainui Stephens (Part 2)

From The Panel, 4:35 pm on 18 June 2014

Topics - the BBC is to give every primary school child in Britain the chance to experience 10 pieces of classical music. This is going to be a big operation. New Zealand's "pure" reputation could be under threat. Tourism NZ's looking to shore up our image as the proverbial clean and green destination. 16 year-old Lucan Battison has been suspended from St Joseph's College in Hastings because he won't get a haircut - and he's not allowed to tie it back. His parents are taking the school to the High Court on Monday. Our panellists' views have reflected the divisions in the country over this issue, why is the school so adamant, why are the Battinsons so adamant?