Navigation for The Reading

Monday 5 December

The Twelve Point Plan by Liz Breslin, read by Emma Kinane

The results of Julie's medical tests hang over a chance encounter with an old classmate.

Tuesday 6 December

Imperial Victoria Spectacular by Steve Danby, read by Peter Dennet

A theatre troupe arrives in 1880s Wellington. Misfortunte befalls them, but as per theatrical tradition the the show must go on!

Wednesday 7 December

Bean Country by Shirley Eng, read by Phil Vaughan

Barry usually avoids Valerie, but when her dog is killed he' sth eonly one around to comfort her.

Thursday 8 December

In Deep by David Hill, read by Hadleigh Walker

Matthrew's mother wants her son to learn to swim, but young boys can be stubborn.

Friday 9 December

Put a Ring Around It by David Hill, read by Gavin Rutherford

A middle-aged New Zealand couple enjoy the classical splendours of Crete, but on returning home are reminded of what lies closest to their hearts.