1 Mar 2018

Facebook is making some changes to your feed

From News Extras

Facebook has made some changes to your newsfeed. You may have already noticed this - you’ll be seeing more posts from family, friends and groups, and less from businesses, brands and media.

Facebook has said the News content you’ll see in your feed will drop from 5% to 4%. All of this means you’ll be seeing less of RNZ (and other pages you’ve liked) in your news feed.

If Facebook is still your preferred way of communicating with us, and you want to make sure you see us first in your Facebook feed, go straight to the RNZ Facebook page of your choice and click onto the ‘Following tab’, then ‘See First’. A full list of RNZ Facebook pages can be found below.

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Photo: RNZ

RNZ is also making some small changes to the way we do Facebook. You’ll see us doing more fun things, like our new recipe group  you’ll be able to chat more directly with hosts just as you can now with Karyn Hay, and you can get a behind the scenes look from our Rural and Country team, More video series like The 9th Floor should be popping in your feed soon.

Some have responded to the changes by ditching Facebook altogether but it’s important that you can still talk to us, and if Facebook is where you choose to do that, we want to be there. We produce a heap of stories that aim to entertain, inform and delight – and we love hearing from you when we get things right and we’re ready to listen when we’ve got something wrong.

You can also talk to us on other social media including Twitter and Instagram, plus you can see ALL of what we do on the RNZ app

Find all our RNZ Facebook pages below. You can see all our other social media here, and subscribe to our newsletters here

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Photo: RNZ


RNZ Concert



CHECKPOINT with John Campbell




RNZ Music

This Way Up

Te Ahi Kaa

RNZ Drama

RNZ Country

Our Changing World