31 Oct 2006

Australian Foster wants make deal with Fiji police

12:25 pm on 31 October 2006

The serial international conman handcuffed to his hospital bed in Suva, Peter Foster, is offering to make a deal with local law enforcement authorities.

Fiji police are waiting to question him on allegations that he received 300,000 US dollars from the Bank of the Federated States of Micronesia this year by using forged documents, for cyber crime and for filing false information to obtain a work permit.

Mr Foster has gone on a hunger strike to stop hospital authorities from handing him over to the police and they have not discharged him out of concern for his health.

The Daily Post reports that he has now offered two options to Fiji police through his lawyer Mehboob Raza.

Mr Raza says one option is for Mr Foster to be allowed to leave Fiji scot-free in return for not revealing the identity of prominent people on whom he has incriminating documentation.

The other option is to deport Mr Foster without charge.

The police commissioner, Andrew Hughes, says he will not involve police in negotiations with Mr Foster's lawyer through the media.