09:05 The Government backs off its goal of closing the wage gap with Australia

Don Brash, 2025 Taskforce chair

09:20 Manawatu river

Mike Joy, water scientist from Massey University; Michael McCartney, Chief executive of Horizons (Manawatu) Regional Council; and Andrew Hoggard, Manawatu dairy farmer opposed to the regional council's One Plan which is designed to protect the polluted Manawatu river from farm run off.

09:30 Jarred Christmas - Comedy Christmas Gala

Jarred Christmas is a comedian who is performing in the Comedy Christmas Gala.

09:45 USA correspondent Luiza Savage

10:05 Hero of the Hudson - Captain Chesley Sullenberger - "Sully"

Captain Chesley SullenbergerOn January 15 2009, Captain Chesley Sullenberger (picture on right) safely guided a disabled Airbus A320 to a jolting but perfectly performed belly-landing in the Hudson River, saving the lives of all 155 passengers and crew.

Highest Duty - my search for what really matters by Captain Chelsey Sullenberger with Jeffrey Zaslow
Published by HarperCollins

10:30 Book Review with Paul Diamond

Gate at the Stairs by Lorrie Moore
Published by Faber & Faber

10:45 Reading: Pedal Power: Great Bicycle Journies by Roy Sinclair

(Part 2 of 5)

In a bold attempt to combat inevitable dotage '60-something' Roy Sinclair decides to cycle the length of Japan.

11:05 Business and economic commentator Rod Oram discusses Don Brash's 2025 Taskforce Report.

11:30 Justin Glyn

Former Auckland barrister and academic lawyer now training to be a Jesuit priest in Australia.

11:45 Media commentator Denis Welch

The state of television news, in the light of recent observations by three senior journalists.