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23 March 2008

Poutu-te-rangi 23

We want hope, not racialism,
Brotherhood, not ostracism,
Black advance, not white ascendance;
Make us equals, not dependents
We need help, not exploitation,
We want freedom, not frustration;
Not control, but self reliance,
Independence, not compliance,
Not rebuff, but education,
Self-respect, not resignation.
Free us from a mean subjection,
>From a bureaucrat Protection.
Let's forget the old -time slavers:
Give us fellowship, not favours;
Encouragement, not prohibitions,
Homes not settlements and missions.
We need love, not overlordship,
Grip of hand, not whip-hand wardship;
Opportunity that places
White and black on equal basis.
You dishearten, not defend us,
Circumscribe, who should befriend us.
Give us welcome, not aversion,
Give us choice, not cold coercion
Status, not discrimination,
Human rights not segregation.
You the law, like Roman Pontius,

Make us proud, not colour-conscious;
Give the deal you still deny us,
Give goodwill, not bigot bias;
Give ambition, not prevention,
Confidence, not condenscension;
Give incentive, not restriction,
Give us Christ, not crucifixion.
Though baptized and blessed and bibled
We are still tabooed and libeled.
You devout Salvation-sellers,
Make us neighbours, not fringe-dwellers;
Make us mates, not poor relations,
Citizens, not serfs on stations.
Must we native Old Australians
In our land rank as aliens?
Banish bans and conquer caste
Then we'll win our own at last

Oodgeroo, from the tribe Noonuccal

It was a watershed moment for Australia when the Labour Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, apologised to the indigenous people on the 13th of February 2008.

Dr Tamara McKean is the current president of the Australian Indigenous (AIDA), she is also the child of a mother "stolen" from her parents. Dr Mckean talks about the strategies AIDA is using to address the more practical results of post colonialism.

Traditional Knowledge Revival Pathways (TKRP) was developed to ensure the survival of Indigenous Knowledge and the traditional way of life. This connects various roopu to strengthen their birthright, their traditional knowledge, to the benefit of the world that we share and the well being of our communities. One roopu were in Aotearoa last year to share their systems that ensure the survival of age-old wisdom and expertise.
Victor Steffenson, Ron Archer, Danny Fisher and Jim Davis spoke with Maraea following a roadtrip around Maori communities, and on the eve of their departure to Rekohu, in December 2007.
For more information - Traditional Knowledge Revival Pathways.

Jim Davis is a Wellington based Indigenous Australian. He accompanied the TKRP crew to Rekohu in December. He shares his thoughts on the 'apology' and his personal story of what it will mean for his children and the following generations.

Oodgeroo formerly known as Kath Walker (1920-1993) from the tribe Noonuccal is acknowledged as one of the forefront figures in the Indigenous Australian literary scene. Her 1964 book We Are Going was the first book to be published by an Aboriginal woman. Reknown as a poet she wrote Dawn is at Hand in 1966.

Blekbala Mujik hail from Arnhem land in the Northen Territory and utilise a musical style fusing reggae rock with traditional instrumentation. Their music features throughout the programme this week, as sourced from their self titled 1995 album Blekbala Mujik. Tracks include Buffalo Stampede, Mimi and Farewell. More information at

This land was never given up this land was never bought and sold.
The planting of the Union Jack never changed our law at all

From Treaty by Yothu Yindi.

Treaty won a raft of awards for Aboriginal band Yothu Yindi, following its release on their second album Tribal Voice in 1991. Written in response to the then Prime Minister, Bob Hawke's call for reconciliation between Australia, its peoples and its colonial past, Treaty cut to the heart of its internal relations. Treaty spent 22 weeks in the national charts was according to Yothu Yindi, an acknowledgement at the timeliness and need for an honest dialogue between white Australia and its indigenous peoples. More information at