Toilet history

We speak to author Rose George about her toilet themed book 'The Big Necessity'.

Toilet shopping

Sit down and relax for the This Way Up guide to buying a toilet.

Sit or squat?

A new website locates and rates public toilets.

Bits and bytes

Peter Griffin looks at the big technology hitters in 2008.

Bees 7: Check-up

David Carleton and I are opening up the hive to check that our queen is alive and well and see how the bees are getting on with producing honey.

Bumblebee vs. honey bee

Dr Nigel Raine speaks about the differences between honey bees and bumble bees and the navigational systems they use.

Beirut calling

Anna Fifield on new software, scarves and giant potatoes in the Lebanon.


Resident vegetable expert Mike Morley-Bunker profiles the purple legend.