29 Nov 2018

Clara SCHUMANN: Piano Concerto in A minor Op 7

From Music Alive, 8:10 pm on 29 November 2018

Written by the 14-year old prodigy who would later abandon composing after questioning whether she, as a woman, could possess the talent.

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Performed by Modi Deng with the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra conducted by Tianyi Lu, at the orchestra's concert "A Women's Place"

Modi Deng

Modi Deng Photo: ©Adrian Malloch/APO

Clara Schumann was a rare and formidable female presence in the 19th century musical world. Despite her extraordinary skills and success as a touring concert pianist, and her proud championing of new music, Clara frequently doubted her own creative voice. Her insecurity wasn’t helped by the prevailing attitude that women simply didn’t have creative power.

Clara Schumann, Clara Wieck as she was then, wrote her piano concerto when she was just 14, but as she grew older she abandoned composition, writing, “I once believed that I possessed creative talent, but I have since given up this idea… a woman must not desire to compose – there has never yet been one able to do it. Should I expect to be the one?”

It probably never occurred to her that she would become such a role model for women in music and so iconic. Before Germany adopted the Euro, Clara’s was the face of the 100 Deutsche Mark bill.

Recorded by RNZ Concert, Auckland Town Hall, 29 November 2018
Producer: Tim Dodd; Engineer: Adrian Hollay