28 Nov 2018

Unemployment, pregnancy and drug abuse vexing Solomons youth

From , 4:02 pm on 28 November 2018

Unemployment, teen pregnancy and drug and alcohol abuse were some of the main concerns raised by youth in Solomon Islands during a recent UN peacebuilding forum.

More than 200 young men and women from across the Western and Choiseul provinces met in Gizo last week to talk about their challenges and hear about and discuss ways to overcome them.

The three day forum is part of a UN peacebuilding project and was hosted in collaboration with UN Women and the youth departments of both the local provincial and national governments.

Koroi Hawkins spoke with the UN Peacebuilding Forum project manager Tony Cameron about the initiative.

A community officer speaks with youth while watching a sports event in Rennell Bellona province.

A community officer speaks with youth while watching a sports event in Rennell Bellona province. Photo: World Bank