18 Mar 2021

Judge orders 4yo be immunised, sides with mother over father

From Checkpoint, 5:26 pm on 18 March 2021

A family court judge has ordered a four-year-old be vaccinated against her father's wishes.

The little girl has three guardians. Oranga Tamariki and her mother agreed to her being immunised in line with the Ministry of Health's recommended schedule - including vaccinations for measles, whooping cough, rubella and chicken pox.

The child's father who had never been immunised as a child, told the court he did not want his daughter to be part of a "forced vaccination programme" and he believed the body has its own natural immune system to fight against disease. Judge Richard Russell said his primary consideration was the girl's well being and he ruled she be vaccinated according to the Ministry's guideline subject to a GP agreeing.

Otago University lecturer Louise Delany is a Public Health Lawyer. She explains how the court reached its decision - and what it might mean for other children.