30 Jan 2020

Coronavirus: How prepared is NZ for student influx

From Lately, 10:30 pm on 30 January 2020

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10:20 Coronavirus: How prepared is NZ for student influx

A provider of student accommodation in Auckland says he is worried New Zealand is ill-prepared to handle potential coronovirus cases in a wave of 10 to 20 thousand students due from China following Luna New Year on the 5th of February.

There are still no confirmed cases of the virus in New Zealand.  It's just been reported 1700 more people have caught the disease.  170 are now known to have died.

John Chen, who owns the Empire, Columbia, and Princeton Student Accommodations, says health authorities appear to be disorganised and he has taken two students with temperatures to hospital, rather than leave them in their accommodation. One of them is now in isolation.

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Photo: John Chen