09:05 Christchurch Council on the brink of losing the power to grant building consents

Christchurch City Councillor Sue Wells, the chair of the planning committee, has called a special meeting for Tuesday to see how council staff intend to meet IANZ requirements by the end of June, or risk losing accreditation as a Building Consent Authority; Mark McGuinness, Christchurch business owner who says his building consent took 89 days instead of the required 20; and Mike Greer, the managing director of one of the biggest home builders in Canterbury, Mike Greer Homes.

09:20 The GCSB Bill - submissions close today

Thomas Beagle is the spokesperson of civil liberties watchdog Tech Liberty and for the New Zealand Council for Civil Liberties. He says that the new GCSB Bill appears to give the government wide-spread powers to spy on New Zealanders, and that he was "horrified" to see that it was "a lot worse than he originally thought".

09:45 UK correspondent Kate Adie

10:05 John Simpson - Oxford English Dictionary     

After 30 years as the chief editor of the Oxford English Dictionary, English lexicographer John Simpson is retiring.

10:35 Book Review with Gail Pittaway

Love Minus Eighty by Will McIntosh
Published by Hachette NZ

0:45 Reading:Mercenary Territory by Susan Pointon

Told by William Kircher and Sarah Boddy

(Part 4 of 5)

11:05 New Technology commentator Erika Pearson

PRISM and NSA surveillance, low uptake of ultrafast broadband and online shopping.

11:30 Archaeology with Brigid Gallagher

Swamp pas, crannogs and wetland areas; amazing preservation stories including 4,000 year old boats from UK; and some questionable archaeological "science" on TV.

11:45 TV commentator Lara Strongman

Wentworth; TV spoilers; Christchurch: From The Streets.

Music played in this show

11:06am - Rumer: 'Am I Forgiven' from her album Seasons of My Soul

11:25am - Lana Del Rey: 'Video Games' from her album Born To Die