10 Dec 2022

Hon. Ralph Regenvanu: Vanuatu demands climate change justice

From Saturday Morning, 8:12 am on 10 December 2022
Ralph Regenvanu, Vanuatu's Minister of Climate Change Adaptation

Ralph Regenvanu, Vanuatu's Minister of Climate Change Adaptation Photo: Supplied

One of the countries most under threat from climate change, Pacific neighbour Vanuatu is taking a lead in the fight against climate change. The Republic is building a coalition of countries seeking an Advisory Opinion on Climate Change from the International Court of Justice (ICJ). 

Their campaign gained momentum at COP27, winning the support of almost half of the nearly 200 countries. They are asking the ICJ to clarify what obligations governments have to protect their own populations and others and hope to win a vote at the United Nations General Assembly early in the new year. 

Waterfront at Port Vila, the capital of Vanuatu

Waterfront at Port Vila, the capital of Vanuatu Photo: RNZ/Sally Round