8 Nov 2022

The Art of Entertaining - After Dinner Mint?

From The Art of Entertaining, 5:00 am on 8 November 2022

It's over!  And the reviews are in! Was this the baddest, meanest, most 70s dinner party ever? Our guests give us the skinny.

This image has six different photos in a grid format - the photos are all closeups of the party guests. The grid and the image border are in green 70s colours and the caption is "Guests Confession Cam"

How did this soiree really go down? Party guests confess! Photo: Supplied

Jaimee and Maria handle the morning after with the help of coffee.

A close up of our hosts Jaimee and Maria. Jaimee is in the foreground drinking a takeout coffee. Maria is behind her wearing dark glasses. A 70s style lamp is visible behind them. The image is bordered by green 70s colouring and it has the caption: ''The Day After''

The day after the night before .. need coffee! Photo: Supplied

And reflect on the wild ride that's taken them from party planning novices to podcasting and digital screen queens.

A photo of the front of the RNZ building in Auckland. On either side of the building are two digital buildboards each showing the promotional image for The Art of Entertaining which features the two hosts Jaimee and Maria in 70s style clothing and glasses. The hosts themselves are standing in front of the building and their own billboards, posing with glasses in a similar way to what is depicted on the billboards. The caption read: ''Who Dat?''

Stars of the (digital) screen! Photo: Supplied

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