11 Dec 2007

International hotel chain Hilton committed to keeping unspoiled look of Rarotonga

11:29 am on 11 December 2007

The Australasia Vice President of the international hotel chain Hilton, Ashley Spencer, says they're looking forward to setting up operations in the Cook Islands.

Hilton has come to the rescue of the abandoned Sheraton Hotel project in Titikaveka which has laid idle for a number of years.

The Hilton will manage the property in partnership with two New Zealand groups McEwan and Tepaki who will develop the property at a cost of 77 million US dollars.

Mr Spencer says however, Rarotonga is one of the few unspoiled parts of the world, and the Hilton wants to keep it that way.

"We've got to operate, and be sympathetic to that, but it really really is, you know once you're there you can forget all your cares and worries, and that's really what the Cook Islands is all about and hopefully we can fit into that."

Mr Spencer says they will begin the publicity campaign next year with the Rarotonga Hilton and Spa to be completed by 2009.