2 Feb 2009

Put resources in to help schools, urge principals

2:42 pm on 2 February 2009

The Principals Federation says the Education Review Office must learn to support schools that have problems, if it is going to keep a closer eye on them.

Federation president Ernie Buutveld said the office usually visits a school every three years, but has indicated it could give schools that are functioning well additional time between reviews so it can focus more on those having difficulties.

Mr Buutveld says that will only work if the Education Review Office puts resources into assisting schools, rather than just assessing them.

If there is a specific problem, a limited statutory manager should be put in place to concentrate on the particular issue, rather than putting in place a commissioner, he said.

Mr Buutveld said if Education Review Office identifies difficulties in more schools, there may not be enough commissioners and statutory managers to cope.