13 Jan 2009

Homeowner weighs response to safari park go-ahead

5:59 am on 13 January 2009

A homeowner in Upper Hutt, says he may look at selling his property after a council decision to allow a safari park next door.

Upper Hutt City Council has granted a resource consent for a hunting block in Whitemans Valley, on a section at present used as a deer farm. The consent allows for up to 80 hunters a year to use the park.

Dave Creed, who shares a boundary with the park, says he would never have bought a house next to a commercial hunting venture.

Another neighbour, Andrew Walker, says ricocheting bullets and wrongly sited targets present a real and serious danger.

But one of the project's owners says the safari park will be in a closed-off basin, and the safety risks have been assessed by professionals.

Ken Collings also says there has been more support than opposition to the park. He hopes to have it open within two months.