4 May 2022

Auckland residents support proposed $1b climate rate, council says

2:38 pm on 4 May 2022

Auckland Council says its proposal for a one billion dollar targeted rate to address climate change has popular support from residents.

Auckland mayor Phil Goff at the announcement of the route chose for light rail from the city to Auckland Airport.

Phil Goff. Photo: RNZ / Marika Khabazi

Polling by Kantar for the council found 48 percent were in favour, compared to 36 percent opposed.

Younger people and Pasifika people were the groups most in favour.

Auckland mayor Phil Goff said the feedback gives the council a strong mandate to act and vote for the rate when it comes up at the annual budget adoption next month.

An average value residential household would pay an extra $58 a year for the ringfenced climate fund.

Nearly 4000 residents were polled.

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