21 Jan 2011

Tourists contract legionnaires' disease in Bali

3:25 pm on 21 January 2011

The Ministry of Health is warning people who may have travelled to Bali recently there has been an outbreak of legionnaires' disease among Australians who visited the Indonesian island.

Eleven Australians returning from the Kuta area between August 2010 and January 2011 have the disease. Some were staying in the same hotel - the Ramayana Resort and Spa.

The ministry says there have been no incidences of New Zealanders with the disease who have travelled to Bali, but an increase in cases of legionnaires' disease in Canterbury is being checked.

It says anyone returning from Bali with flu-like symptoms such as fever and a cough should mention to their GP that they have been to the island.

Those most at risk are usually aged over 50, smokers, or those whose immune system is compromised.