12 Feb 2011

Mixed prices at this week's wool sale

8:16 am on 12 February 2011

This week's wool sale, one of the biggest of the season, saw gains and losses.

New Zealand Wool Services International says mixed demand resulted in some types lifting in value, while others dipped slightly.

Prices between North and South Island wools also varied, depending on availability and processing demand,

Despite these fluctuations, the price indicators for the bulk of the fleece wools eased by 1 cent per kg compared with last week's sale.

Finer mid-micron wools made the biggest price gains of between 5% - 8%, while lambs wool was up to 4% cheaper, with increased supplies coming on the market.

Fine crossbred fleece and shears remained firm overall, but good colour coarse crossbred fleece fetched up to two percent more.

Average to poor styles eased slightly in the South Island , but rose in the North Island, while coarse crossbred shears were generally 1% stronger.

Strongest competition for the 21,000 bales on offer came from India, Australasia and China. More than 82% were sold.