18 Oct 2009

ACC suicide proposal sticking point for Maori Party

6:04 am on 18 October 2009

There are several sticking points for the Maori Party regarding proposals to reform the Accident Compensation Corporation, co-leader Tariana Turia says.

The National Party is suggesting increasing levies and cutting back a range entitlements, and is negotiating with ACT and the Maori Party for support.

ACT favours opening up parts of ACC, for example the earners' account, to private insurance providers.

Mrs Turia says several aspects of the policy will need close consideration, including the proposal to remove support for the families of those who commit suicide.

She also questions the merit of privatisation.

"Private companies are not going to take parts of ACC that they're not going to make money out of, so it'll be things like the earners' account, the employers' account.

"And what will happen is the state will be left with all those areas that cost," she says.