28 Aug 2012

Drought releief expected in rain from Isaac

1:25 pm on 28 August 2012

Meteorologists in the United States say the fallout from Tropical Storm Isaac is likely to mean rain over a large part of the central and southern midwest, where there is drought.

Isaac was crossing the Gulf of Mexico on Monday towards the coasts of Mississippi or Louisiana where it is expected to arrive on Wednesday.

A side benefit will be rainfall on parched crop and grazing lands.

The BBC reports the drought is the worst in over 50 years. But any rain is expected to be too little too late to be of huge benefit to this year's corn and soybean crops.

The Department of Agriculture will issue updated harvest progress reports in its weekly crop progress report on Monday.

Last week, the department said 4% of this season's corn crop has already been harvested. The crop was planted early and was pushed to maturity by relentless heat and the drought.