Navigation for Arts on Sunday

12:40 Arts Foundation laureates and award winners

We hear from most of the 10 Arts Foundation laureates and award winners honoured this year. Between them they have received $360,000 as an acknowledgement of their excellent, creativity and potential.

1:00 In lieu of At the Movies this week, Simon Morris talks to one of Pixar's crack animators, Enrico Casarosa

1:25 Make My Movie

Ant Timpson talks about his Make My Movie project which is entering its final stages. At stake, $100,000 to help the winner make a feature film.

David Doherty1:35 The Laugh Track

Irish stand up comedian and musician David Doherty (right) sings for us as well as sharing his favourite comedy tracks.

2:00 The questions in the middle of the night

An hour-long discussion between writers Kate de Goldi and Glenn Colquohoun, recorded at this year's Festival of Colour in Wanaka.

3:05 A History of the World in 100 Objects

This week Neil McGregor reaches the Age of Enlightenment - the Eighteenth Century.