26 Sep 2017

RIMSKY-KORSAKOV: Selections from Scheherazade

From Music Alive, 7:30 pm on 26 September 2017
Imani Winds in concert

Imani Winds in concert Photo: Screenshot supplied by SOUNZ

Scheherazade is a character from The Arabian Nights, a collection of folk-tales from the Middle East, West and South Asia. She was the 100th wife of a Persian King who beheaded each new wife the day after he married them. Scheherazade volunteered to spend the night with this King and as she was a master story-teller, kept him enraptured with her tales for an entire evening. The King kept her alive for another day to hear more of her tales, and did this again and again for 1000 nights. By the end of that time the King had genuinely fallen in love with Scheherazade, married her, and they lived out the rest of their days together.

This arrangement of Rimsky-Korsakov's symphonic poem was made especially for Imani Winds in 2013 by Jonathan Russell.


Recorded 26 September 2017, Michael Fowler Centre, Wellington by RNZ Concert.

Producer: David McCaw

Engineer: Graham Kennedy