1:10 Best Song Ever Written - Bruce Gatward-Cook of Taranaki nominated Walk on the Wild Side by Lou Reed.

1:20 Critical Mass

TV review - Phil Wallington

Books - Vanda Symon

Music - Colin Morris

Colin's Music:
TITLE:     Bric-a-brac Shop
ARTIST:   Hello Sailor
COMP:    Dave McCartney
ALBUM:   Surrey Crescent Moon
LABEL:    Warner

TITLE:      Yesterday Is Here        
ARTIST:    Bette LaVette
COMP:    Tom Waits, Kathleen Brenan  
ALBUM:    Tankful 'n'n Thoughtful
LABEL:    Border

 Web - Ben Gracewood

2:10  The Paddleboat Project - Adele McMahon
From little white lie to epic sea voyage, our next guest knows how to make tall tales come true.
When Adele McMahon told her best friends little boy she was sailing to New Zealand in her own boat, he believed her.
And so she had to come up with the goods!
Thus began an epic voyage, as Adele sailed the Seven Seas from Liverpool to Aotearoa, with a little help from social media, and from photoshop .
The Paddleboat Project unfolded on facebook, attracting a raft of fans along the way. Adele McMahon has finally made landfall.

2:20  Home-made Observatory - Ray Murray
A window on the galaxy, from the roof of a garden shed.
That's the vista that greets visitors to Ray Murray's place in Invercargill
The Newfield man has built his own observatory, so he can stargaze at leisure, out the back of his house!
It's self designed, and it took him less than a month to set it up.

2:30 Reading - Angela Meyer's  'Sea Fever - From First Date to First Mate'.

2:45 Feature Album - A Tonic for the Troops -The Boomtown Rats (1978)

3:10 Tune Your Engine - During the depths of the depression, in 1930, one of the world's most respected economists looked into the future and and saw a world where technology would allow us to work smarter not harder.
John Maynard Keynes predicted that in 100 years, increased inefficiency would allow us to work a 15 hour week.
John Quiggin (Qwig in) is an economics and political science professor at the University of Queensland and the author of 'Zombie economics, how dead ideas still walk among us.'

3:30 Asian Report -  Lynda Chanwai-Earle
He's provided free skin cancer checks for thousands of New Zealanders. Dr Sharad Paul was a finalist in the New Zealander of the Year Awards 2012 for his altruistic work in the fields of education and medicine. Lynda meets some his patients after life-saving skin cancer surgery and even gets a skin check herself in today's Asian Report.

4:06 David Farrar and Tony Doe are on The Panel today.  Why hasn't something been done sooner on the squalid living conditions in Christchurch for many people? Are youth crime and youth expulsions from school really going down or is it that we're trying to resource a more tolerant second and third chances system in NZ now, and is it working? Avoiding some state schools in order to get into the so-called best ones, maybe to avoid some of those troublesome pupils in the classroom.  The use of owning Winston's Gold Card if you can't travel to Waiheke Island, the great IT disasters of NZ to rank alongside Novopay.