5 Dec 2017

Book critic Catherine Robertson

From Afternoons, 2:08 pm on 5 December 2017

Catherine Robertson wonders why so few NZ authors write humorous fiction.

We asked our listeners to tell us their favourite funny books - kiwi or not - and here's a few of the suggestions:

Ben Elton has so many good books but The First Casualty of War stands out. 

My favourite humorous author is Kinky Friedman...New York City 'detective' stories with his offbeat gang of friends - Jane,Oamaru

I'd say Stephen fry would be my favourite comedy in fiction writer. So wickedly subtle - Kerri

Terry Pratchett is the best!

Tom Sharpe. Best humorous fiction writer.

So hard to choose between Tim Winton, Richard Ford & Marilynne Robinson, but Tim Winton wins by a whisker.

I think Spike Milligan is one of the best writers of fictional humour.

I still love PG Wodehouse after discovering him in my teens. I also recommend the comedy series by Spence Quinn featuring Chet the dog and Bernie the private detective. Great titles like doggone it, and thereby hangs a tail - Fiona

God, I could spend hours on this, but let's face it -there can be only one: Douglas Adams - Johnno, AK. 

Carl Hiaasen’s black humor in his books set in Florida have me in fits of laughter - Liz, Blenheim

I just crack up over Marian Keyes. She gets lumped in ‘chick lit’ but that’s unfair because her fiction is pantswettingly funny, her latest boom ‘The Break’ is ace - Yvonne

Alexander McCall Smith. Funny fiction - Chris

AM Holmes favourite humour is writer - Kate From Kingsland

P.G Wodehouse. Funniest writer of fiction written purely for its humour - Gail, Otago

Sue Townsend very funny writer - From Jan 

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