27 Apr 2018

What happens when international trade emissions are regulated?

From Afternoons, 1:14 pm on 27 April 2018
International regulations over international aviation and shipping needs to be considered by the Productivity Commission, according to the National Energy Research Institute.

International regulations over international aviation and shipping needs to be considered by the Productivity Commission, according to the National Energy Research Institute. Photo: Eco-Business.com


A leading energy research group says more attention needs to be paid to what regulations on emissions from international shipping and aviation could do to this country’s wellbeing.


The Productivity Commission released a draft document explaining what New Zealand has to do to become a low-emissions economy.

But the National Energy Research Institute says the commission almost exclusively focused on domestic emissions.

The institute’s chair Janet Stephenson explains why it is so important for New Zealand to start thinking about future international moves against emissions from international transport.

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