5 Jun 2019

Bookmarks Marilyn Waring

From Afternoons, 2:20 pm on 5 June 2019

Marilyn became an MP at 23 in 1975 - when woman MP's weren't common. She's also had about a dozen other careers and has been a musician all her life!

She's also got a new autobiography out called The Political Years. The book is being launched next Wednesday 12 June at the University of Waikato performing Arts. Jim Bolger is MC'ing the launch, *Zonta is hosting the launch and funds raised will support Zonta's scholarships programme. Ticket details can be found here 

Marylin heads into the Auckland Studio to pick the music and talk about some of her favourite things! 

* Zonta is an international organisation running projects and scholarships to improve the lives of women and girls 

Marilyn Waring

Marilyn Waring Photo: Supplied