28 Feb 2023

Black Caps pull off historic win over England at Basin Reserve

From Checkpoint, 5:07 pm on 28 February 2023

The Black Caps have done the unthinkable, pulling off one of the most memorable and scarcely believable victories in test cricket.

The side was on its knees against a dominant England just two days ago, when they were asked to follow on after disastrous batting collapse.

Today, one by one, they knocked over England's batters, winning by just one run, when fast bowler Neil Wagner took the final wicket.

In front of a packed crowd and under blue skies at the Basin Reserve, the Black Caps and their fans dared to dream.

Black Cap bowler Matt Henry says the team always believed they could win the test match against England at the Basin Reserve. 

"We just had to keep applying pressure and ... the way that it unfolded was unbelievable.

"We knew that if we actually stick to what our game plans are and trust in what we do we'll be okay.

"There's definitely belief in our camp... The crowd's been amazing. The basin has always been a fantastic crowd here in Wellington and it was absolutely no different today. I think there was a few English though to be fair, but the Kiwis definitely stood up too."

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