19 Sep 2023

Around the motu: Che Baker in Southland

From Nine To Noon, 10:45 am on 19 September 2023
Ryan Godden, left, Seth Maze, Aimee Wood and Jason Maze from Maze landscapes Ltd flew from Taupo to help lay the bricks for the Southland Charity Hospital pathways.

Ryan Godden, left, Seth Maze, Aimee Wood and Jason Maze from Maze landscapes Ltd flew from Taupo to help lay the bricks for the Southland Charity Hospital pathways. Photo: Kavinda Herath

Southland Times editor Che Baker joins Kathryn to talk about the latest in the Gore District Council saga, which has seen the resignation of long-serving CEO Stephen Parry.

Parry says he leaves with no regrets and mayor Ben Bell - with whom he had a high-profile spat - has "wished him well".

Southland's Charity Hospital has reached a milestone and the latest Groundswell NZ protest tour leaves Invercargill on Friday bound for Auckland.