17 Sep 2019

The Panel with Kathryn Burnett and Rodney Hide (Part 1)

From The Panel, 4:03 pm on 17 September 2019

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern will meet with US President Donald Trump when she's in New York next week for an official bilateral discussion. An inquiry into the Auckland pipeline leak has suggested the government needs new powers to force fuel companies to invest in more infrastructure. The 2017 leak was caused by a digger striking a crucial fuel pipe in Ruakaka. The panellists discuss whether the industry needs to do. We all use banks, we are all reliant on them - they are an indispensible part of our lives. But it appears we have our concerns about them. Bank complaints have spiked up more than 20 percent to a 5 years. We speak to Massey Unievristy's Claire Matthews about why the banks are failing in customer care. An AA Insurance survey of just over a thousand kiwis has found a quarter are driving less than a year ago. And the reasons are what you might think - they include retirement, people moving closer to work, using public transport more and environmental concerns. We ask the panellists if they've noticed a change.