Audio hum

Audio forensics specialist Philip Harrison of JP French Associates can use the background hum coming from the mains electricity network to work out if audio recordings are fake or not.

Dog play

A new citizen science project needs your home videos to study how people play with their dogs! With Julie Hecht of the Horowitz Dog Cognition Lab at Columbia University.

Food fraud

Dr. Jeff Moore of the US Pharmacopeial Convention keeps a huge database of thousands of cases of food fraud dating back to 1980.

Contagious itching

According to a new study by Henning Holle and his colleagues at Hull University, itching and scratching can be pretty contagious behaviour.

India: Kumbh Mela

In India a Hindu religious festival called the Kumbh Mela is underway. Up to 100 milllion people are expected to attend, making it the largest human gathering in history. Anu Anand reports.

Birds: Spurwinged Plover

Looking for the spurwinged plover with birdman Hugh Robertson.

Vodka: A Global History

Vodka's gone from a humble drink from Eastern Europe to the world's most popular spirit. Patricia Herlihy's written a book charting its global reach and history.